A foundation populated with resources and people for aiding veterans in their new roles.

The ConOp Foundation is a not-for-profit organization created to support transitioning veterans as they readjust to civilian life. ConOp support consists of training, job-placement, and counseling on the transition process that offers a much more individualized solution than the generalized offering most servicemen receive from their units as they exit military service.

ConOp Foundation will make use of local, State, and Federal grants, along with private donations and fundraising, to support operational costs. Additionally, the Foundation will seek regional contracts to be used as opportunities for retraining veterans, and for off-setting operational costs.

This siteĀ outlines a general concept of operations for the ConOp Foundation and provides a structure for discussions pertaining to its establishment and related systems. All ideas are open to conversation, which is actually encouraged. This foundation is to be established for the purpose of helping veterans, and there is no room for ego in this operation.

If you would like to provide feedback on the organization, please contact our teamĀ at info@conop.us